Ales Group, the new generation entrepreneurship
ALES Group of Companies was founded in 2016 with inno vatoryan dentre preneurial spiritand developing it self continuo usly for submitting service sand to increase the living quality of humanity.
With adding non-food FMCG products , Cooling and Kitchen equipments, glass products, fields to its activities the Company enhance to Group of Companies. Within the years the fast growing turned into stability and Alesbecame one of the respective and reliable companies of the FMCG and other Sectors.
ALES is taking firm steps forward to high targets with its international proven experience in constructions, specialized staff and project management realized with teamwork, and technological abilities for purchasing materials in good quality from all over the world, timely and in proper cost and preparing bids to procuring materials.
Our Mission
Our first priority is topre pare projects in good quality, worthy to its reputation andreliability with in the sectorand to metre quirements of it scustomers in time.
The team know stoc reatesy nergy, working with intuition and conscious of responsibility, stable, innovative, integrative, continuo ussupport, sensitive to allkinds of risks, problem sandob stacles that can seethe challenge, but also the success of a share dappro achto work and produce.
Forkee ping the maximum level of custom ersatis faction to server in honest, reliable, in a non secret manner with a ‘open book approach’ to establish relation ships with the custom ersfeel the same degree of responsibility.
Forkee ping the maximum level of custom ersatis faction to server in honest, reliable, in a non secret manner with a ‘open book approach’ to establish relation ships with the custom ersfeel the same degree of responsibility.
To contact in a reliable, enterprising manner, capable of rapid feedback, continuous supportive, with solution-oriented approach and with an approach to communicate as man of his word..
Our quality policy is to meet the expectations of customers completely by submitting them a service in good quality, economically and respective to environment with its head office and workshop staffs having knowledge, international business experience and discipline and implementing necessities of relevant standards, technical specifications and legal and administrative legislations on project management and constructions techniques.
Consciousness of social responsibility Today, at the point of living conditions, institutions have great responsibility for the protection of social welfare. Corporate awareness shown that the basic facts of life such as environmental, health, education, economy, plays a major role in improving social welfare.
Environmental Consciousness Nursoy, has been diligently working on environmental issues. Works for hindering, waste, all the elements that can lead to physical or chemical pollution at the projects applied. With its wide green areas in the projects, Nursoy always try to create breathing spaces and believes that a clean environment is a must for healthy communities.
Awareness of Education With the believe that for a healthy society education is the sine qua non and well-educated young people will create the communities, Nursoy contributes to the construction of schools and classrooms, as well as to support the young people to receive a good education. Since its foundation, ALES continues the social responsibility works and aims to continue increasing its activities in this area.